“Simplify, glorify the Source.”


To support JSJ Austria and be a representative of the association’s goals, please send filled out form to Susa Hagen, chairwoman.

As a supporting member you promote the idealistic interests of the association and will receive information about lectures, classes, progress reports as well as a quarterly newsletter.

As a full member you contribute actively to the association’s interests according to the statutes. You will be invited to annual general meetings.

The 'service package homepage' allows full members to present themselves as Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and/or self help teacher on our homepage and to announce their classes or study groups directly on the site. The dates will show up on the Austrian class calendar immediately. You will also recieve information material to download for your first SH class.                    

Annual Subscription

Full Membership € 36,00
Supporting Membership € 36,00
Photo item WITHOUT service package homepage  for practitioners/SH teachers                  +  € 50,00
Service package homepage for practitioners/SH teachers                    +  € 90,00

(as of January 2014)

Ending of Membership:         
You can withdraw from the association at the end of a year. You have to announce it in writing a month beforehand.

Online - Application for Membership

Application for Membership (click and print)