Online application for membership TitleMr.Mrs./Ms.First nameThis field must not be empty.Last nameThis field must not be empty.StreetThis field must not be empty.ZIPThis field must not be empty.CityThis field must not be empty.MobileThis field must contain a phone number. Best format is: 004312349876. This field must not be empty.Email addressThis field must not be empty. This field must contain an email address. Only one entry with the given value may exist.So that we can inform you as efficiently as possible, please tick as appropriate.I have attended the following coursesSelf help 1Self help 2Self help 35-day course(s)Living the ArtI amPractitionerSelf-help teacherI choose the following membership:This field must not be empty.Supporting member (no right to vote at the General Assembly) - € 36,00Ordinary member (with voting rights at the General Assembly) - € 36,00I am a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and/or self-help teacher incl. entry on the homepage with name, contact details and photo - € 50,00I am a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and/or self-help teacher like picture package & the opportunity to offer your own self-help courses on the homepage & one-off 250 free business cards - € 90,00I have read the privacy policy and agree that my details and data will be collected and stored electronically to process my request.This field must be checked.As a member, I support the goals and tasks of the association in accordance with the statutes. If you join after 30.9. of the current year, membership is free until the end of the year. Termination of membership: You can leave at the end of each year. The management of the association will be informed in writing by the member at least one month in advance of his request.This field must be checked.Leave blankThis field must be left empty.Submit